Sunday, May 15, 2011


Album I'm listening to: Help! - The Beatles

I made it!!! I lived through my first year of college! I'm officially a sophomore in college! And I give a big thumbs up and a big congratulations to anyone who may have accomplished any sort of college goal this year!

I'm sure this guy would be just as happy for you if you met him

While I was packing up the last of my my things and cleaning the room yesterday, I really didn't realize what I had just accomplished. I made an tiny room my home for a little over 8 months. I actually attended 8 o' clock classes (grrr freshman foundations). I lived through eating Alpha food. I drank and unearthly amount of coffee!  I have one year of loans tacked on to me for the rest of my life!

You'll never, ever see me with even this much money again

Oh, and I'm one step closer to getting a degree... that too... considering that's sort of the point of college. 

No, but really, I am happy that I made it through this first year. As it says in the blog post below, my year was  somewhat difficult, especially right at the beginning. But... I made it. Next year will be an adjustment again considering we're moving to a different curriculum and I'm moving clear across campus in to Alpha, but honestly, I don't think it will be that bad at all.

But right now, it's SUMMER TIME!!!! And what happens just a few hours I get home? Samson accidentally bashes me in the face with is nose and leaves a nice little cut across the bridge of the nose.


Yes it is impossible to be mad at such a cute doggy, even if he does bodily harm.

I didn't care, I was still happy to come home and relax and pet the puppy. Now I'm just going to take advantage of the time I have left here at home before I have to go back to school and work my butt off on school work again. Oh, and since we're switching to a new program, the first year of it is going to be even longer than this year was! Oh boy! Grrr....

Random side note time! I was watching Bill Nye the Science Guy because I was bored and didn't want to study, and I watched the episode on magnetism to disprove the Insane Clown Posse's theory of magnets being magic. Randomly throughout the show, they would show a series of things and go "Magnetic, or not?" Here's a screen shot of one of them...

That piercing stare has been in my nightmares ever since

Yes, a shirtless David Hasselhoff popped up on the screen with an unknown hand rubbing a magnet on him and a loud voice saying, "David Hasselhoff... magnetic, or not?" This had to be one of the weirdest things I've ever seen.

If you're wondering the answer to the question, he is not.

Anyway... most of this summer the blogs will be about being a waitress, since it's my job and all. But who knows, maybe I'll do more exciting things and be able to write about that stuff, too. Maybe swimming, running around in the woods, hanging out with friends, going to the fair (if that can count as being exciting), learning to dance like Vanilla Ice in his music video Ice Ice Baby...

Give an unsuccessful smoldering look at the camera if you're a pompous prick!

Have a great summer, everybody!!!!!!!


  1. haha omg this was hilarous......i literally Lol'd a few times haha i miss ur funny comments about everything...please write more blogs in this format! love ya!

  2. The "puppy" is the size of an ox.

    Jealous that you have summer and I have finals.

    Be prepared to go shopping for bridesmaid shoez when I'm home.

