Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thank You, Summer

Song I'm Listening to: Say You Like Me - We the Kings

I love We the Kings. They make me happy, just like the band The Killers. I just ordered the new We the Kings CD today... and the album actually just came out today for everyone who's not on Itunes.


So far my summer has consisted of exactly what I thought it was going to be. I work, and I work a lot. I technically have two part time jobs. One of them is still at the pizza place I've been working at for the past 3 years. The other one is cleaning a family friend's house once a week. Yay for making money! I'm willing to work this much, at least it gives me something to do during the summer instead of sitting around at home. Working at the pizza place has certainly led to some frustration and annoyance, considering I'm left working the front by myself a lot of the times and expected to do a lot of work in a short amount of time. But honestly, at the end of each day, I look back at all of the good that happened that day at work, and I wouldn't change that for anything.

My other focus this summer is my sister's wedding, which makes this summer more exciting than other ones in the past :). I can't wait, especially because I'm the maid of honor! Yay! Bethany and Dustin seem really happy, and it's quite evident that they both love each other so much. Dustin is in Spain right now and Bethany misses him like crazy. I have no idea how she feels because I've never been in her shoes, but I can't wait until my future brother-in-law comes back... because it'll be good to see both him and her so happy to see each other again. Plus, that means the wedding is really soon!

Also this summer I've been treating myself to some of my own "me time," considering I'm one of those people who needs it a lot. Every time after I clean the family friend's house, I treat myself to a delicious Double Chocolatey Chip Frappuccino from Starbucks. It's rewarding after a long week of work (PJ's for 5 days in a row, then the next day cleaning). However, I learned the hard way they use real cream in their drinks... I'm lactose intolerant and I didn't take a pill before I drank it... I ended up with the worst stomach cramp ever haha. Stomach cramp aside, I've grown to really look forward to this little slot of time after cleaning and going back home. Sometimes I'll go for a short drive, like today I decided to drive around Winona Lake for a little bit just to see how beautiful everything looked on this absolutely beautiful day. Sometimes I sit at Starbucks. Sometimes I head straight home and collapse on my bedroom floor. But it's still "me time."

In one of my earliest blogs, I was saying how I was learning about taking time for myself during the school year. Well, I've now learned it's equally important during the summer time as well, especially with working two jobs. However, there's not much time left in the summer, especially with everything I have to do before school starts back in to session. But I do have to say, I love the summer time... and I'm going to make the best of the rest of it. :)

1 comment:

  1. the wedding IS really soon!! One month. :-) I can't wait for your future brother-in-law to come back either.

    The other thing you forgot to mention about your summer is that you cook dinner with me once a week. :-D

    I'm glad you're still taking "you time."

