Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Started this blog off by listening to: 009 Sound System – Born to Be Wasted

Blogs. The concept: Typing out whatever is going through your head about a particular subject so that the rest of the world can see it and/or think about it.

That could get really scary. Our minds are always going, always thinking, and I honestly can't fathom how or why no matter how much I enjoy studying the brain. If everything we were thinking was on display at all times, that could get really funny and amazingly informative. We might possibly have to change the way we think about everything. Words are simply tools people use to try and explain what goes on in the grayish mass called the brain, and for some people, myself included, usually have a hard time explaining in words how they see things. So with that in mind, it's sometimes wondered whether we ever truly know a person. We base everything on the words and actions people choose to use. There is no actual way of seeing what is actually going through their mind at a particular moment.

Maybe that's where the whole trust thing comes in the play. That's a whole other subject.

But I digress.

Blogs. I started one because people say that I see things in interesting ways. I don't know, I just think I talk and think too much. I think really sporadically and I write the same way, which then turns out badly for papers I write because teachers tell me to make the paper flow better. Whatever.

I tend to always have a P.S. if I'm writing a letter or journal entry. I draw pictures and put arrows and longer explanations to things if I don't think I explain it well enough before. So believe me, if this were a hard copy instead of an internet blog, there would be scribbles and side explanations everywhere, along with a random picture of whatever is sitting next to be at the time just because I can. And a few coffee stains would probably decorate the page.

Why am I doing this blog? Because I can. Because people should try to learn things. Like you can mix poprocks and coke and it won't kill you unless you eat an unearthly amount. Proved it on Mythbusters. But people are still naive and think that you can't at all. And I might as well share what I think with the world, there's no harm in it.


  1. haha yes love it! and i love listening to you while u are writing it hahaha

  2. I can hear the psychology major in this ;)

    Also....I can totally follow your thought pattern. It's uncanny. Maybe are brains are really similar or something 0_o lol
