Thursday, January 27, 2011

Never Say You Didn't Learn Anything

Song: 30 Seconds To Mars - Kings & Queens 

(The only reason I put the song I was listening to when I first start a new post is because one: if you've never heard it, you can try listening to it, or two: you can see if there is any link between the song and the blog post. Which, more than likely, there's absolutely no link between what I'm listening to and what I'm writing. Unless I say so before hand. If you guys find some random connection, tell me. If you want.)

I really love raspberry mocha. Badly Drawn Boy is a really good band. I need to not just put my keys in random places. That one coffee house at the bottom of the hill is an enjoyable place to be. Parcheesi is a very fun game. Grown Up Soda is delicious. My car can't magically keep snow off of himself. My car has an emergency brake (and is capable of donuts). I still enjoy doing tech stuff. I'm figuring out how to look out for myself better. I still can't listen to Be Thou My Vision without crying. Second semester requires less adjusting than first semester. Yellow shorts look horrible on me. 8:30 classes still feel a lot better than 8:00 classes. Never go shopping when you're hungry really is good advice. The cafeteria smells yellow. Taking walks in the snow is really refreshing. That metal pole that stands between double doors can randomly fall over. 

Look around you. You can learn a lot from the smallest events.

For example, today I was walking in the snow. It was a short walk to go meet Bethany and Dustin, but the walk was much more enjoyable than I expected. I just had a little time to myself and could focus on how beautiful everything around me looked without having to worry about getting to class on time or keeping passengers in my car safe. A five minute walk just reminded me again that life can hold the smallest surprises or lessons, but we just have to take the time to look around, listen, and take in all the small lessons around us. 

I'll end with this lesson: Take time for yourself. You'll go crazy if you don't.

1 comment:

  1. This is great. I love that you're blogging now.

    I'm glad you love badly drawn boy, raspberry mocha, parcheesi, and the coffee house at the bottom of the hill, and grown up soda. I feel like I in some small part helped those come into your life. :-D
