Monday, January 23, 2012

It's a New Year

Band currently listening to: Safetysuit

I am quite aware I haven't written a blog post in a very long time. Last session was incredibly tiring. I had so many papers and such due, I had not time to do anything except eat, work, and sleep. I suppose I showered a few times in there as well :P

This post doesn't really have a specific topic, nor will it be hilarious or anything. I just thought I'd update everyone on my life.

Christmas break was a fantastic time. Going home after such a stressful session of school was amazing. I ate a ton of food, hung out with my family (including the dog) and just relaxed. Even my body felt better after sleeping at home for a while. I was less tense and felt so much better. Making the journey back to college was the last thing I wanted to do after such an amazing break. 

Transitioning back in to college wasn't difficult, it almost feels like I never left. Unfortunately, some of the stress decided to wait for me when I got back, so I'm already a little bit stressed out.

College is full of some really good experiences, though. For example, I went to the Winter Jam in Fort Wayne on Sunday, and it was absolutely amazing. Concerts are one of those places that make me so incredibly happy. I'm one of those people who would drive for hours and stand in line for hours to go see a band perform. I absolutely adore concerts.

There were three times at the concert yesterday that had me crying with happiness. The first time was during a random band I had never really listened to before, but I was just so happy to be back at a concert that I didn't care. The second time was when a couple old Newsboys songs were played, and it just reminded me of sitting at the back of the bus in the seventh grade, singing with Brandon and a few others at the top of our lungs. The third time, though, was when I teared up the most. Skillet performed a couple of my favorite songs by them, and I just started crying because one: I was glad to hear it and two: I really wanted Brandon to be there in flesh and blood to experience it with me. I went for him though. I'm pretty sure I told him I would go to the Winter Jam with him someday, so yesterday I went for him. I'm so glad I did.

Today I got the CDs I ordered. I heard of a band called Safetysuit, listened to a couple of their songs, and decided to buy both of their albums. It was a gamble, but I'm glad I made that choice. They make me happy. :). 

I must go now, I've become addicted to Pinterest, and I must find more pins! :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you went too. :-) (I cried too when I read your post)
