Friday, September 16, 2011

This Is A Blog Post About...

Song(s) I'm Currently Listening To: Random bits of the Queen Discography

I'm drinking a particularly good cup of coffee today. It makes me happy.
I did not, however, specifically arrange coffee beans so I felt like I was drinking a picture.

* My dorm room feels like I'm sitting in a bathtub full of ice cubes in Antarctica. 
I decided googling "bathtub" wouldn't be a smart idea. So here's Antarctica!

Yesterday my room mate, my suite-mates, and I randomly ordered a large pizza from Pizza Hut and devoured and then proceeded to devour it at the hour of 10:45 pm.
Behold, grease!

I have 5 empty plastic water bottles on my desk.
This is more than 5.

I get to go play with wolves soon. Yes, real live wolves.
"I love you!!!"

At the beginning of the week, a fake ladybug failed to perform a stealth attack on me by sitting on my pillow and sneaking up on me. It then was flicked out of the room by yours truly.
"Fear me, I'm kamikaze beetle."

I'm sitting here pouting because Freddie Mercury's falsetto is a million times better than my regular voice.
He's even gloating about it. :P

* My exam today in Abnormal Psych was okay until we got to the case studies. Those were hard.
I made this exact face while reading them.

This is my day/week so far. I'm pretty sure the rest of it is going to be great :-). Have a great week, everyone!

Monday, September 12, 2011


Song I'm Listening to - Little Lion Man - Mumford & Sons

I have 16 mosquito bites on my legs. I covered them all up with band-aids so I would stop scratching them. 

I'm never going outside in shorts again after dark. I used to do it all the time with no problem. Not anymore.

I hate mosquitoes. They're evil things sent specifically to bother humans and leave their legs an itchy mess, while they buzz off with a belly full of blood and laugh maniacally.

 This one in particular enjoys pretending it's a non-sparkly vampire.

I learned from the ever trustworthy Wikipedia, mosquitoes living in nature (apparently some live in captivity?) usually don't live longer than a couple weeks. That makes it even worse. They hatch, they grow, they bite as many humans and animals as they can, and then they die. But there's like, a bazillion (that is not a trustworthy statistic from Wiki) of them out there. How do they manage this?!

I do, however, feel like I helped assist many families of mosquitoes in to breeding more little monsters. I may have assisted in the building of a giant army of mosquitoes considering the state of my bitten legs. Or maybe they just really like my blood.

I apologize to you all for unknowingly helping the mosquito population get fed.