Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Life Changing" Test

Song I'm Listening To: Typical - MuteMath

I did not intentionally switch the song I was listening to from Justin Bieber's "Eeenie Meenie" to something else so I could write what song I was listening to at the top. Nope, I didn't do that at all.


Anyway... my blog today is going to be about...


My room mate's obsession with Portal! I'm kidding haha.

I want to talk about my Abnormal Psychology class. Today the professor discussed anxiety disorders and how many people concentrate on the "what if's" in life. And it really got me thinking...

I do this ALL of the time. Last year I was afraid I wasn't going to pass this test in my awful music appreciation class... and this is how it played out in my head.

"What if I don't pass this test?! If I don't pass the test, I won't pass the class! If I don't pass the class... I'll lose my scholarship and I'll have to retake the whole thing. Then I'll look stupid and have no money to go to college. If I don't have any money to go to college, I won't be able to stay in college and get my degree. If i don't get my degree, I won't be able to get enough money... well, unless I marry a rich guy, but who'd want to marry a girl who couldn't pass Music Appreciation?! Ah, if I don't pass this class, I'll never get married!!!"

Yeah, it went on to "I'll never move out of the house" and such, but I think going from not being able to pass a test to not getting married was hilarious enough. I then passed the test and class with a higher grade than I expected.

Why did I waste my time with unnecessary worrying? Well, I mean on the plus side it got me to study a little harder, but other than that, all it brought was so much anxiety and lack of sleep... which didn't help with my mood whatsoever.

A little bit of worrying doesn't really hurt anything. It's normal and probably healthy, considering if you didn't worry about anything or have any foresight... then things would end up really badly. However, worrying so much about something that you can't think of anything else or come to irrational consequences if you don't complete something... well, that's just a bit silly.

I'm just saying... taking a breather, relax, and dive in to the task again :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Wedding Day

Song I'm Listening To: Marchin On/Good Life - OneRepublic

I haven't written in a very long time because of one thing... WEDDING!!!

I've been working on stuff for my sister's wedding for a while now. It seemed so far away at the beginning of the summer. But soon enough, August 13th rolled around...

And honestly, I couldn't have had a better day. Everything was perfect, and my sister and brother in law most definitely deserved it.

I had to wake up at 5:00 am to get in to the church to have my hair done. I packed up everything I could have possibly needed the night before because I don't function in the morning period, especially 5 in the morning...

All of the bridesmaids, moms, and Bethany got their hair done and got dressed in the nursery of the church. It was kind of funny, looking back on it now, but whatever :). I also signed the marriage license (as a witness) on an ironing board sitting in there. :P

Once Bethany was in her dress with her hair up and makeup on... I almost started tearing up then. She looked absolutely beautiful. Seriously. Absolutely beautiful :).

Picture taking was a lot of fun... Bethany and Dustin looked so cute and happy together :)

The ceremony was beautiful. I couldn't stop smiling as I was walking in to the sanctuary at the beginning. The music was amazing (live band, oh yeah :D). Bethany and Dustin looked so unbelievably happy together. When Bethany was walking down the aisle, she had the biggest smile I've ever seen. I was bawling my eyes out by the end of the ceremony, and right before Dustin and Bethany were announced as husband and wife, my sister turned around and gave me a big hug. We were both crying because we were so happy. Apparently we made over half the church cry then...

The reception was also perfect. Relaxed, yet it still had an air of formality to it. People actually danced, which made me happy. I danced with my Uncle Dan! And my theatre directors kids haha.

Honestly the best part was looking around and seeing how happy everyone was. Of course Bethany and Dustin were happy, but everyone else around was about as happy as they were. It was truly a day full of joy, and it couldn't have gone any better, in my opinion.

This isn't really detailed or anything, it's just what's going through my brain right now... It was just an amazing day.